This is actually an “old song” recorded on my HUMANOLOGY 101 CD, recorded at Incubator Studios in Melbourne with Richard Allison on the Hammond Organ.

I have been playing it lately mainly because it keeps being relevant with the world and the language, or at least the use of it, changing as sun rises and the wind blows. You have to think twice before you use any word these days as it’s use may have changed overnight and you didn’t get the email … so you might offend a whole section of society if you are currently incorrect.

I could add several new choruses … but I think the message in the song is pretty clear … anyway I have a couple of new songs that extend the subject.

NEW WORLD NEW LANGUAGE from Humanology 101 – Audio


When did people become resources like hardware in a store  hardware in a store

When did personality become people skills something learned in school

When did bullshit become spin when did a loss become a win  win  win

When did con artists become investment managers get poor quick pyramid schemes pyramid schemes

How did crooks become TV Rock Stars and much read book authors book  authors

When did selfishness become self indulgence it’s just all about me  me  me

WMD’s, ADDs, MP3s Genetically modified seed, Gangsta Rap, Carbon Tax, Same Sex Parents, Alcopops      Alcopops

Twitter, SMS, Voodoo Economics, Multiculturalism, Speed Dating, Tempo football, Wikileaks  Powerpoint presentation powerpoint presentatations

Is a naturopath a witch doctor or a voodoo queen           or a medicine man

If your GPS is blank can you still read a map        how long is a nano-nap

Children with special needs man are there any other kind          any other kind

Is justice sight impaired, visually challenged or just plain blind   just plain blind

It’s digital this and digital that so damn fast we can’t go back           can’t go back

Political correctness an oxymoron, is target marketing racial profiling       racial profiling


Homeopaths, homophobics, idol judges, reality TV, homeless youth, qualified truth, virtual sex, test tube babies   test tube babies

Homegrown terrorists, designer drugs, E bay, E phones, web apps, blue ray, ergonomic, power    play       power    play

Well its all just so confusing this new world to me this new speak well you see it’s just so hard to read

You can text or you can talk but you can’t see the whites of their eyes oh we can’t communicate lookin eye to eye

Personality in your pocket and memory around your neck look your phone right in the eye and then send a text

This new world has got me stuffed all the gadgets and the junk and the language that they use well its just not clear enough

This new language part pagan part DonJuanCastenada somewhere between refer madness and Aesop’s Fables

Telco’s, go slows, fast tans, medical marijuana stands, boutique wine, newsvine, kimble books, guitar hero riffs      guitar hero riffs

Delta rays, global warming, pet psychologists, emo kids, personal trainers, stress counsellors business coaches and day dream analysers