A couple years back my friend and California Hip Hop Rap artist J.Smo wrote and produced the Folk Rap Fusion version of a folk rock song I originally wrote in 2010 which was included on my first solo CD THE HIPPIES WERE RIGHT… the original track is HERE

J. Smo extended the “war reporting” up to the current time … but the war continues to rage on various fronts.

Considering this J.Smo and I are considering another war correspondent song reporting on the current status and sides in the continuing Drug War … the longest war in US history and probably world history … and still no winner in sight.

Just to refresh your memory as to where we got up to with our reporting, here is the song and the story … available to purchase here.

Forsaken Veteran of the Drug Was … by Bob Crain and J. Smo.

The Drug War has now extended over three generations with untold causalities on all sides with no end in sight … so stay tuned for the next song.

Reporting from the combat zone Bob Crain and J.Smo