A local government council has recently, using the ratepayers time and money, passed a resolution condemning the use, possession and production of nuclear weapons and confirming that “the Council will not do business with any country or organization involved in same”.

Considering the implications of that very important resolution the nuclear armed nations of the world Russia, China, America, France, United Kingdom, Israel, India etc etc etc have now decided to retire all of their nuclear arsenals.

However it is not so easy to find places to retire them to and this song is an ode to the difficulty in finding RETIREMENT HOMES FOR NUCLEAR WEAPONS.

This song was recorded live and is on my Bob Crain – LIVE digital down load … you can listen to it via the link below and read along with the lyrics.

If anyone has a suitable location to offer as a retirement space for an aging nuclear warhead please contact a nuclear armed nation in your area, they are waiting for your call.

The world thanks Darebin Local Government Council in Victoria, Australia for taking this gigantic step towards nuclear disarmament.



You take one to your house I’ll take one to mine retirement homes for nuclear weapons are just so hard to find

Uranium filled warheads on fifty feet of steel take it up to your place and sit it down for meals

Never been used mostly still fused but they’ve lost their place {poor dears} they’ve lost their jobs in this bloody arms race

They have kept us safe from mutually assured destruction but now they are redundant taken out of production

They are not like old warplanes mothballed on a desert or rusty old battleships you can sink out in the bay

They need new homes cause we can’t keep them here all the people who knew them have all disappeared

They prefer homes with old cold war Veterans friends who know the value of a good nuclear weapon

But it should be someplace just a bit out of town with incontinence you never know what might leak in to the ground

Yes they are hard to house the old cold war stallions but it seems they didn’t come with dismantling instructions

They took two down to North Carolina on a little plane ride and when the plane crashed only one did they find

So if you think your family can help out with a cold war veteran call Uncle Sam he’s waitin up in Washington

But don’t wait too long as it could all be too late when these things start going off we’ll be in a hell of a state  

They are not sure of how many or even exactly where they are but if you sign up for one it can’t be too far   

And just so you know they are mostly happy underground someplace safe and snug where they can’t be found

Sorry their guardians can’t pay room or board they’re a bit short at the moment from fighting holy wars

Can’t afford to care for these cold war relics at this rate and besides they are well past their use by date

So you take one to your house I’ll take one to mine retirement homes for nuclear weapons are just so hard to find

Yeah you take one to your house and I’ll take on to mine retirement homes for nuclear weapons we’re runnin’ out of time