Military Industrial Complex


FOLLOW THE MONEY - AUDIO As I look around at the world today a couple of things seem to stand out. One is what my Mother said many times ... "if it sounds to good to be [...]

FOLLOW THE MONEY2024-03-18T16:12:09+11:00

Just Tryin To Figure It Out

JUST TRYIN TO FIGURE IT OUT ... Something a lot of us wonder about, why do the crooks, sleezebags, corrupt politicians, corporate bad guys and general crims always seem to get by in real life ... but they always [...]

Just Tryin To Figure It Out2024-02-15T14:32:02+11:00

Political Comment

This is a music website and I can generally say what needs being said through my songs and don't put strict political posts here but ... here's one. Note I do have a song about the particular matter that I [...]

Political Comment2024-02-06T19:36:13+11:00


RETIREMENT HOMES FOR NUCLEAR WEAPONS A local government council has recently, using the ratepayers time and money, passed a resolution condemning the use, possession and production of nuclear weapons and confirming that "the Council will not do business with [...]



AFGHANISTAN I could write pages about this subject but I will let the song speak for itself. I wrote this song in 2010, call me a visionary or just a student of history. What is happening now in Afghanistan was [...]


Retirement Homes For Nuclear Weapons

Retirement Homes For Nuclear Weapons With the Super Powers and wannabees around the world once again using the specter of Mutually Assured Destruction via nuclear weapons as a methodology to keep us all "under control" and our heads in [...]

Retirement Homes For Nuclear Weapons2024-02-20T12:33:31+11:00

PROFITS IN WAR from Bob Crain – LIVE

PROFITS IN WAR - LYRICS Don’t you see it folks its all just a ruse    every other day a scary story in the news They trot another consultant to prophesise on the clues they’re talking up theory the threat [...]

PROFITS IN WAR from Bob Crain – LIVE2024-02-20T12:26:39+11:00

Profits In War – Lyrics from Bob Crain – LIVE

On this Memorial Day I can only offer this - the lyrics from the song Profits In War ... and as I say in the introduction "one of the things I have learned from my time here on Mother Earth [...]

Profits In War – Lyrics from Bob Crain – LIVE2018-05-29T06:59:06+10:00
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